Building a Resilient Coast for the Douglas Shire

Project Overview

This website has been created by DOUGLAS SHIRE COUNCIL for the purpose of engaging with the Douglas Communities and key stakeholders about the Resilient Coast program.

Douglas Shire is a place of spectacular beauty. Our coastal zone encompasses world-class landscape features, including pristine rainforests and beaches, and a diversity of cultural, economic and environmental values.

Coastlines are dynamic, ever-changing with each tide and storm event. Erosion and storm tide events are natural processes that shape the coast over long timeframes. However, these events become coastal hazards when they impact on our communities. Douglas Shire is prone to cyclone and storm events, and coastal hazard impacts are predicted to increase with a changing climate.

The purpose of the Resilient Coast program is to undertake a transparent process with our communities to develop a Strategic Plan to help us proactively manage the risk of coastal hazards, both now and into the future (to 2100). Our Resilient Coast Strategic Plan enables us to be better prepared to reduce the impacts of coastal hazards on our communities, environment, cultural values, infrastructure, liveability and services.

The Resilient Coast Strategic Plan was adopted by Douglas Shire Council at the 28 May 2019 Council Meeting.The program has now moved into the implementation phase and Douglas Shire Council will be working through the 35 actions outlined in the Strategic Plan over the next ten years.

Funding for Coastal Rehabilitation Works Secured

Council was successful in receiving Queensland Government Reef Assist program funding that will help the Council deliver dune protection and maintenance works within our coastal regions (strategic action 4.1.1). This work aligns with the Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy and helps deliver priority actions under Council’s Resilient Coast Strategic Plan. While the project will improve resilience to natural disasters, the improvements will also increase native vegetation, reduce runoff to waters and the Great Barrier Reef. As part of the program, the Council will be developing Foreshore Management Plans for key coastal areas. The Foreshore Management Plans will include a consultation phase and will be important in establishing a dune protection and maintenance program (strategic action 1.1.2). While delivering environmental projects, the program will provide local employment, training opportunities, engage local workers and contractors and boost economic recovery.

For more information CLICK HERE.

Implementation Update #1 - June 2020

Implementation of Coastal Monitoring Program at Key Areas

  • Phase 1

    Plan for life-of-project stakeholder communication and engagement

  • Phase 2

    Scope coastal hazard issues for the area of interest

  • Phase 3

    Identify areas exposed to current and future coastal hazards

  • Phase 4

    Identify key assets potentially impacted

  • Phase 5

    Undertake a risk assessment of key assets in coastal hazard areas

  • Phase 6

    Identify potential adaptation options

  • Phase 7

    Socio-economic appraisal of adaptation options

  • Phase 8

    Strategy development, implementation and review

  • Implementation Phase

The QCoast2100 Program

The Douglas Shire Council Resilient Coast program is predominantly funded by the Queensland Government and the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) through the QCoast2100 program.

The QCoast2100 program provides the funding, tools and technical support to enable Queensland coastal local governments to create plans and strategies to address climate change related coastal hazard risk over the medium to long term.

For more information about the QCoast2100 program CLICK HERE