Building a Resilient Coast for the Douglas Shire

Project News

  • Council attempts to get headstart on climate change impacts

    Posted on 12 October 2016 at

    Douglas Shire Council will apply for a grant to develop a Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy.  The State Government is calling for funding submissions from Queensland councils to develop a Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy that addresses sea level rises, more intense cyclones and accelerated coastal erosion. Mayor Julia Leu said the Douglas Shire has a number of coastal settlements, as well as areas of interest, assets and infrastructure at risk from increasing sea levels.

    “An initial review by Council has shown areas of particular interest are Wangetti, Oak Beach to Pebbly Beach, Mowbray to Newell Beach including Port Douglas, Rocky Point to Wonga Beach, Cape Kimberley, Thornton Beach and Cape Tribulation,” Mayor Leu said.