Douglas Shire Ecotourism Destination

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  • Destination Achieves Ecotourism Level Certification

    Douglas Shire Council and the destination Port Douglas & Daintree were awarded Ecotourism level certification after successfully completing 90% of the internationally recognised Green Destinations standard for sustainable tourism. This comes only a year after the Council was awarded a Nature level certification with 80% of the completed criteria. While the destination is kicking goals in working towards sustainable practices, also the tourism industry has done their part. Douglas has 26 certified operators offering a range of different products including, river and reef tours, charter fishing, wildlife experiences, acommodations and cultural experiences. Douglas Shire is privileged to have eight tourism operators join the Ecotourism Australia’s Hall of Fame. These operators have been recognised for being ECO certified for 20 years and are paving the way for responsible and sustainable tourism as we experience it today. The certification is internationally recognised and shows the operators' commitment to deliver quality tourism experiences that care for the environment we live in.

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